Vertigo Chiropractor Woodstock GA

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Vertigo Chiropractor Woodstock GA: Feeling Dizzy?

We all get a little dizzy sometimes, whether it is because we stood up too quickly, just stepped off of a merry-go-round, or we looked at an optical illusion for too long. Thankfully, the wooziness usually goes away after a few minutes. The feeling of unsteadiness can be troubling, but these feelings are very little compared to the feelings of vertigo. If it seems as if the world around you is constantly spinning, an underlying medical condition likely is to blame – and vertigo is just the debilitating manifestation. If you want to regain your balance – and your life – and say goodbye to inopportune dizziness and nausea, you should consider visiting a vertigo chiropractor Woodstock GA for proper treatment.

Vertigo is characterized by dizziness combined with a feeling of movement or a spinning sensation, even when you are standing perfectly still. Vertigo can be absolutely debilitating in everyday life because it can cause you to feel sick, make it difficult to walk, and even interrupt your vision and hearing.

There are a few different ways vertigo can begin, most of them dealing with the way your inner ear and brain communicate. Because of the neurological connection, chiropractic care may be the ideal course of treatment to cure your vertigo.

The highly experienced chiropractors at Advanced Health Solutions – GA Spine & Disc can help patients overcome their vertigo by focusing on the spine and its relation to the body.

Vertigo Symptoms

While nervous system disorders such as multiple sclerosis can trigger vertigo, this dizzy-spinning sensation is most commonly the result of a disorder in your vestibular system.

This sensory system, which is a link between your inner ear and your brain, controls your body’s balance and spatial orientation, sending messages from your inner ear to your brain about motion, head position, and the surrounding environment.

When your vestibular system is damaged, the connection and communication between your inner ear and your brain is disrupted. This can cause not only dizziness and a spinning sensation, but also other symptoms, including:

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ears
  • Imbalance
  • Swaying
  • Hearing loss
  • Slurred speech
  • Uncoordinated movements
  • Weakness in the arms and legs
  • Difficulty walking or standing
  • Jerky eye movements
  • Double vision

The severity and duration of these symptoms vary from mild to severe and lasting only a few minutes to being afflicted for a few days. Thankfully, chiropractic care offered by a vertigo chiropractor Woodstock GA has the potential to be effective in treating vertigo stemming from multiple causes.

Vertigo is a common symptom in patients who have endured trauma to the neck or head; often, this is due to a disturbance in the nerve pathways exiting the spinal column.

More commonly, though, vertigo may be caused by damage or disruption in your vestibular system or inner ear. Ear infections, pressure changes, and the movement of particles within the inner ear can all affect your level of dizziness.

Types of Vertigo and Its Causes

Vertigo can be classified as either peripheral or central, depending on which part of your vestibular system is impaired and causing your symptoms. Here is a quick comparison of the two types of vertigo.

Peripheral Vertigo Central Vertigo
Most common type of vertigo Not as common
Caused by disorders affecting the structures in your inner ear Caused by disorders or injuries affecting the structures of your central nervous system (e.g. brain stem, cerebellum)
Onset is sudden, and symptoms are intermittent and more severe Onset is gradual, and symptoms are constant and milder
Affected by changes in head position and movement Not usually affected by changes in head position or movement
Nausea and vomiting are frequent and severe Nausea and vomiting are less predictable


The most common inner ear problems that cause peripheral vertigo include:

  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) – This type of vertigo is triggered by changing position or turning your head a certain way. This movement causes tiny calcium crystals in one part of your ear to move into an area where they shouldn’t be, signaling to your brain that you are moving when you really aren’t. As a result, you can have sudden and intense—but brief—feelings of spinning or swaying, dizziness, and lightheadedness. BPPV is the most common type of peripheral vertigo and affects 30 percent of people over age 65.
  • Vestibular neuritis – This disorder, brought on by a viral infection such as chickenpox or measles, affects the nerve that sends sound and balance information from your inner ear to your brain, causing dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and trouble walking.
  • Meniere’s disease – People with this disease not only have vertigo but also hearing loss, ringing or buzzing in their ears, and a feeling that their ear is blocked or filled with fluid—which it very well may be.
  • Labyrinthitis (inner ear infection) – Inner ear inflammation can affect your balance and hearing and also cause ear pain, pressure, and nausea.

The most common causes of central vertigo include:

  • Cervical spondylosis and degeneration – Over time, your vertebrae and neck disks wear and tear, putting pressure on your spinal cord or nerves and blocking the blood flow to your brain and inner ear.
  • Head or neck trauma – A head or neck injury can disrupt the alignment of your spine or cause whiplash, leaving you feeling dizzy and affecting your sense of balance and ability to concentrate. This is very often caused by a disruption or blockage in blood flow to the inner ear or brain stem. A vertigo chiropractor Woodstock GA can perform some spinal manipulation and adjustments as part of your personalized chiropractic care plan to improve blood circulation.
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) – While vertigo may not be intense or debilitating for people with MS, their vertigo can last for hours, days, or even weeks.
  • Migraine headaches – Vertigo is a common complaint for people with migraines—but it doesn’t need to occur concurrently with the headache. You may experience constant vertigo, positional vertigo, or dizziness, and the symptoms can last anywhere from a few minutes to twenty-four hours.

You can also experience vertigo as a result of:

  • Motion sickness
  • Changes in air pressure
  • Ingestion of drugs or alcohol
  • Inhalation or ingestion of toxic substances
  • Brain tumors
  • Circulatory problems

Getting to the root cause of your vertigo is essential to receiving proper treatment and managing your symptoms. The good news is that when vertigo is caused by inner ear issues or joints in the neck, chiropractic care is very effective for treating vertigo.

Here’s how chiropractic care can help treat vertigo and improve blood flow, balance and coordination.

Chiropractic Treatment for Vertigo

Because of the neurological connection between vertigo and its causes – between the spine and the rest of the body – chiropractors know the techniques that will help you overcome your dizziness.

During your first appointment, your chiropractor will ask you questions about your symptoms, health history, and lifestyle. He may even take x-rays to rule out certain disorders. Once your vertigo chiropractor Woodstock GA has a full understanding of your condition, he/she will develop a personal care plan to help you manage your vertigo and reclaim your life.

Depending on the cause of your vertigo and the duration and severity of your symptoms, your treatment plan may include:

  • Spinal manipulation – Your nervous system controls all the information that is transmitted from your body to your brain. Your spine, which runs from your tailbone all the way to your neck, is part of your nervous system. When the joints in your neck aren’t moving properly, misinformation about your body position and movement is sent to your brain. By adjusting the joints in your upper neck and spine, your chiropractor can improve the communication between your body and your brain, helping your nervous system function at its best. This safe, hands-on technique is especially effective for cervical vertigo (dizziness that is caused by poor neck posture, neck disorders, trauma to the head or neck, and whiplash).
  • In-office and at-home exercises – When your vertigo is triggered by BPPV, debris (crystals) settles on sensitive areas in your inner ear. Your chiropractor can teach you a few exercises that can effectively reposition the debris to a more innocuous position, giving you relief from your vertigo.
    • Canalith repositioning procedure – Performed under your chiropractor’s supervision, this procedure involves holding your head in four positions for about 30 to 45 seconds each, or for as long as symptoms remain when holding the positions.
    • Epley maneuver – To perform this quick and simple technique at home, you turn your head to varying degrees while sitting on the edge of your bed, and lying on your back and side. (Your chiropractor will show you how to do this maneuver before suggesting you do it on your own.)
    • Brandt-Daroff technique – Similar to the Epley maneuver, you perform this technique by lying for about 30 seconds on each side with your head tilted so your nose is pointed up. (Your chiropractor will also show you how to do this maneuver before suggesting you do it on your own.)

Your chiropractor may also suggest dietary and lifestyle changes and meditation, relaxation, and breathing techniques to help you control your symptoms.

Chiropractic adjustments or manipulations may help alleviate a specific type of vertigo called cervical vertigo. This type of vertigo is caused by improperly-moving joints in the cervical spine following a neck injury, which results in incorrect information about movement and body position being sent to the brain. This misinformation may cause you to feel dizzy.

Manipulations may be able to realign the joints and vertebrae in the cervical spine, correcting the nervous pathways and allowing for clearer communications.

A more common type of vertigo, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), is due to the movement of crystals around the inner ear. These crystals are from your otolith organs and make you sensitive to gravity. They can shift out of the organ and into other parts of the vestibular labyrinth, altering your center of balance and briefly making you feel dizzy.

To help rectify BPPV, your vertigo chiropractor Woodstock GA may use the Epley maneuver, which maneuvers your head into different positions to reposition the crystals inside the inner ear.

Your chiropractor may also teach you a few specific exercises to do at home that may be able to benefit the vestibular system and how it interacts with your brain.

Treating Vertigo with Chiropractic Care

Vertigo is a condition that causes the feeling of dizziness to the point of nausea. There are different categories and causes of vertigo, but they are usually either issues with the brain or inner ear organs.

Vertigo can be treated with medications, but for those seeking natural treatment options, chiropractic care may be the solution. Chiropractic manipulations that return the upper cervical spine to proper alignment may reposition the neck back to the optimal position, putting a stop to dizziness.

There are other adjustments that can specifically help with equilibrium along with at-home balancing exercises and eye exercises.

Improve Balance and Coordination

Along with dizziness, chiropractic care can also help improve balance and coordination. Life’s day-to-day activities move the bones, joints, and muscles out of alignment. Chiropractic care restores the proper alignment of the musculoskeletal system. This helps restore the system to proper balance, which is an important part of improving balance and coordination.

When the body is properly aligned and the nervous system can communicate efficiently and effectively, it can help address improper signals the brain is experiencing during vertigo episodes. Lifestyle advice about diet, posture, and specific exercises can also be beneficial.

No one should have to live their life feeling woozy and sick all the time. You shouldn’t endure constant feelings of dizziness. If you experience dizziness accompanied by a spinning sensation and any of the symptoms above, visit a vertigo chiropractor Woodstock GA to take the first step toward overcoming your vertigo and living your life to the fullest. Chiropractic care may be able to cure your symptoms of vertigo by doing different exercises or manipulations.

Vertigo Chiropractor Woodstock GA

At Advanced Health Solutions – GA Spine & Disc, we take a holistic approach to patient wellness. Visit or contact us today to find out how we can help treat and alleviate your vertigo symptoms.

Call us now at (770) 926-9495 or fill out our online contact form to book your appointment.



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