Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Woodstock GA

Physical therapy is imperative for people who’ve injuries, illnesses or medical conditions which limit their regular ability to function and move.

A tailored physical therapy program can assist people to return to their previous functioning level, and increase lifestyle changes and activities which can assist prevent any further injury and boost overall well-being and health.

At Georgia Spine & Disc Woodstock, Georgia, our primary care doctors usually recommend patients to physical therapy at first sign of a serious problem, since it’s regarded a conservative technique to managing issues.

Wondering what makes physical therapy very beneficial? To help you understand the importance of this therapy, here are five ways it may benefit you:

1. Avoid surgery -If physical therapy assists you heal from an injury or eliminate pain, surgery may not be necessary. Even if surgery is necessary, you may benefit from the pre-surgery physical therapy. If you’re going into the surgery stronger and in a better shape, you’ll recover quickly afterward in several cases. Also, by avoiding surgery, health care expenses are lowered.

2. Eliminate or reduce pain -Therapeutic exercises and the manual therapy techniques such as soft tissue and joint mobilization or treatments like electrical, taping or ultrasound stimulation can assist alleviate pain and restore joint and muscle function to lower pain. Also, such therapies can avoid pain in future.

3. Recover from a stroke –It is common to lose some level of movement and function after stroke. Physical therapy assists enhanced weakened body parts and boost balance and gait. Physical therapists can also boost the ability stroke of the patients to transfer and even move around in bed so that they can be more independent around their home, and lower their burden of care for dressing, toileting, bathing and other activities of everyday living.

4. Enhance mobility -If you are having trouble moving, walking or standing -no matter your age—physical therapy can assist. Strengthening and stretching exercises can assist to restore your ability to move. Physical therapists at Advanced Health Solutions Georgia Spine & Disc can properly fit people with crutches, a cane, or assess for orthotic prescription or any other assistive device. By tailoring a patient care plan, whatever activity that’s essential to the life of an individual can be practiced and adapted to guarantee optimum safety and. performance

5. Prevent or recover from a sports injury -Physical therapists fully understand how various sports can boost your risk for particular forms of injuries (such as stress fractures for long distance runners). Dr. Kal, a top Woodstock chiropractor and his experienced team of chiropractors, can design proper prevention or recovery exercise programs for you to guarantee a safe return to your sport.

Physical Therapy



What services does your medical clinic offer?

Our medical clinic offers a wide range of services, including primary care, specialty care, preventive care, diagnostic testing, chiropractic, physical therapy, and more. We strive to provide comprehensive and personalized healthcare to our patients.

What is the expertise and experience of the medical professionals at your clinic?

Our medical professionals are highly trained and experienced in their respective fields. We have a team of doctors, nurses, specialists, and support staff who are dedicated to providing quality care and ensuring the well-being of our patients.

Is the clinic conveniently located and easily accessible?

Our clinic(s) are conveniently located in a central area, with easy access to public transportation and ample parking facilities. We understand the importance of accessibility and strive to make it convenient for our patients to reach us. See all locations

What is the clinic's track record for patient satisfaction and outcomes?

We take pride in our high patient satisfaction rates and positive outcomes. We regularly collect feedback from our patients to continuously improve our services and ensure we meet their expectations. Read Our Reviews

Does the clinic accept my insurance or offer affordable payment options?

We strive to work with a wide range of insurance providers to ensure that our services are accessible to as many patients as possible. We also offer flexible payment options and financial assistance programs to make healthcare affordable for our patients.

How Do I Get the Most out of a Consultation?

The purpose of this visit is to assess your symptoms, diagnose any potential conditions, and provide appropriate treatment or recommendations. Your healthcare provider will outline the recommended treatment plan, which may include medications, lifestyle changes, therapies, or referrals to specialists, depending on your condition.

Are there any additional benefits or services offered by the clinic?

In addition to our core medical services, we may offer additional benefits such as extended hours, online appointment scheduling, electronic medical records, and patient education resources.