Chiropractic Massage Near Me Woodstock GA

Chiropractic Massage Near Me Woodstock GA

Chiropractic Massage Near Me Woodstock GA

Chiropractic Massage Near Me Woodstock GA: All You Need to Know About Chiropractic Massage.

You might have heard about chiropractors and massage therapy, but might not know about chiropractic massage near me Woodstock GA. In this article, we will explain everything about this incredibly effective massage therapy.

Massage and chiropractic go hand in hand to improve the overall health and wellness of the patient while decreasing the need for surgery and other types of conventional treatment.

Massage is the manipulation of the body muscles and tissues using gentle and slow movements, a bit of force, kneading, and pressing. It helps ease the tension of the muscles that may have become cramped or knotted, causing pain. It is also a good way to release toxins from the body, thereby boosting the immune system.

There are several types of massage therapies. One example is the trigger-point massage that works on the trigger points or areas of the body that may have become tender and painful due to trauma, an injury, or enormous stress. Another example is the Swedish massage which uses circular slow strokes and vibrations to increase the flow of energy.

Chiropractic, on the other hand, is a recognized alternative treatment that usually involves the manipulation of the body’s nervous system, especially the spine, as well as the bones. It’s based on the principle that a problem in the nervous system affects all the other parts of the body, causing a variety of conditions and injuries. It helps correct misalignment and allows the nerves to send signals to and from the brain more efficiently.

Chiropractic has several techniques that share some concepts with a massage. These include the high-velocity low-amplitude thrust, a kind of spinal manipulation characterized by a “popping” sound due to the applied force on the joint. Spinal mobilization uses slow and gentle techniques, sometimes using a tool.

Many clinics combine these treatments for a more effective spinal adjustment and faster healing process. By easing the muscle tension, the body becomes more receptive to the treatment.

What Is A Chiropractic Massage?

Chiropractic massage combines massage therapy with holistic chiropractic methods to promote spine and nervous system health. A chiropractor can relieve vertebral subluxations – or misaligned joints in your spine. These adjustments serve to properly realign joints and remove any pain or tension in your spine or limbs.

While a chiropractic adjustment works on hard parts of the body, such as bones and joints, a chiropractic massage improves muscle and tissue health. Therefore, a chiropractic massage can be used together with an adjustment to provide full-body health benefits. Usually, a Woodstock chiropractor will propose a treatment plan that involves both methods.

How Is Massage Therapy Different?

A massage therapy invokes oils and candles to help de-stress the mind during the massage. A chiropractic massage invokes similar holistic methods and may use the same paraphernalia, but they are unnecessary.

A chiropractic massage near me Woodstock GA is a more holistic method of treating pain and discomfort than massage therapy. When used with chiropractic adjustments, it can prevent pain from developing in the first place.

What Conditions Does Chiropractic Massage Treat?

Chiropractic massage relaxes the soft tissues and helps improve blood flow. This can reduce swelling in treating any number of conditions.

  1. Headaches

A significant cause of headaches is tightened muscles in the neck and upper spine. This will restrict blood flow to the head and can cause pain. A chiropractic massage will loosen those muscles and provide adequate blood flow to the head and neck, relieving discomfort after an adjustment has been made.

  1. Back Pain

Chiropractic massage can help improve the blood flow around the spine. Most back pain is caused by misaligned vertebrae or damaged muscle fibers in the back.

If a patient’s posture has altered considerably, a massage can provide blood flow to the affected areas. Once a chiropractic adjustment is made, a massage will speed up healing and reduce discomfort.

Chiropractic massage will help loosen up the back’s long muscles, allowing the fascia fibers to slide along each other easily and reduce further tension.

  1. Joint Pain

Older adults or adults with sports injuries will often have lingering joint pain. A chiropractic adjustment will provide proper joint position and support.

In turn, a chiropractic massage will reduce the swelling in your surrounding muscle tissue, improving the blood flow in the affected limb, and providing significant pain relief during the healing process.

Additionally, a chiropractic massage can help keep muscles and joints active and limber, helping to prevent significant sports injuries from happening in the first place.

Who Should Go For Chiropractic Massage and Expected Results?

Chiropractic massage is one of the most preferred treatments for people suffering from lower back pain. According to the American Chiropractic Association, at least 30 million people in the country will develop chronic lower back pain.

Chiropractic massage near me Woodstock GA also works for people who have been experiencing pain in other parts of the body, especially if the pain is due to a problem in the nervous or musculoskeletal system, including osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.

A person may also undergo chiropractic massage even when there is no underlying disease or pain. Chiropractic massage enhances the body’s immune system by allowing the blood to flow correctly, relaxing the muscles, and reducing spinal pressure in the process. All of these can boost the body’s resistance against threats such as bacteria and viruses.

Chiropractic massage also has a positive impact on those who have a mental disorder such as depression or exhibit an abnormal level of anxiety.

Women, meanwhile, can benefit from the reduced pain brought about by pre-menstrual syndrome. It’s also a safe procedure for pregnant women, who are prone to lower back pain.

Patients who have undergone trauma such as a fall or an accident that resulted in a fracture or tear of the muscles or ligaments can work closely with a chiropractor for the technique’s inclusion in the rehabilitation.

The outcome of chiropractic massage is varied. Sometimes it helps manage the pain, but it does not treat the condition. Others have been treated by the technique. Others take only one adjustment while some need more.

The chiropractor needs to customize the plan based on the expectations and needs of the patient to achieve the desired results.

How Does the Procedure Work?

The procedure begins with a thorough examination of the patient. Some seek the services of a chiropractor or therapist after conventional treatments like drugs and surgery are ineffective in alleviating the pain.

At this point, the chiropractor needs all of your documents for a proper medical review. He or she will also interview you about your medical history, covering areas of pain, when the pain or illness started, and situations that seem to increase or decrease the level of pain. The chiropractor will also probe your lifestyle, habits, and family history.

If the chiropractor offers a massage, you first go in for massage therapy to ease muscle tension. After about 45 minutes to an hour, you can then proceed to the chiropractor’s office for manipulation or adjustment.

You’ll then go back to the massage therapist to further improve the condition of the soft tissues. Sometimes these two are scheduled at different times.

Possible Risks and Complications

Many studies have proven the effectiveness and safety of chiropractic massage near me Woodstock GA as long as it is performed by trained and certified chiropractors. Nevertheless, joint aches and soreness of the muscles and the body may be felt within the first few hours of treatment. A good massage should be able to reduce such occurrences.

Chiropractic Massage Near Me Woodstock GA

If need chiropractic massage to relieve your lower back pain or neck pain, contact Advanced Health Solutions – GA Spine & Disc today. Call us now at (770) 926-9495 or fill out our online contact form to book an appointment!

Chiropractic Massage Near Me Woodstock GA

Chiropractic Massage Near Me Woodstock GA



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The purpose of this visit is to assess your symptoms, diagnose any potential conditions, and provide appropriate treatment or recommendations. Your healthcare provider will outline the recommended treatment plan, which may include medications, lifestyle changes, therapies, or referrals to specialists, depending on your condition.

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