Jo Tatum

When you enter the facility, you immediately feel the welcoming atmosphere. Everyone was is so friendly. This was my first visit, as I was referred my niece to see Adrienne for Steroid injections in both knees. Her calming voice and knowledge (honestly blew me away with her knowledge-can’t say enough about how smart she is). Had brought my X-rays with me and after reviewing, Adrienne showed me the X-rays and explained what was causing my pain, discomfort/ symptoms and why I couldn’t walk up steps or hills. She also suggested I have the “gel injections” and why it would be beneficial; will be doing this also. (Had being going to a reputable Orthopedic for several years for injections and they never reviewed/explained what was causing my symptoms-very disappointed). Needless to say, Adrienne is the only person that I will see in the future. Also, had the opportunity meet Dr. Frederico, who also reviewed the X-rays and was amazed at my situation; he was very personable and kind.

As you can see from above, I can’t say enough about Adrienne; she is “PERFECTION” and why would anyone go elsewhere.

Thanks for the care.